Sabtu, 17 Januari 2009

The "Sacred" Qur'an

These days I read e-mails in AAR litserv on the Legal Issue of Non-Muslim touching the Qur'an; whether non Muslim can touch the Qur'an. This issue is actually based on the verse of the Qur'an which states "La yamassuhu illa al-Mutahharun" (None is allowed to touch it [the Qur'an] except the purified ones). This verse is generally understood that only the pure people can touch the Qur'an. That is why they say that the women in menstruation cannot touch the Qur'an because thay are in the state of impurity. This state includes also the one (male or female) who has not taken ablution. That is why we often see/find in the cover of the Qur'an this portion of the verse, which means that before ablution we cannot touch the Qur'an.
But, there are other interpretations of this verse. "The purified ones" is interpreted as those who have purifying hearts. Without this, none, even the Muslim, can touch the Qur'an. If we refer to the Qur'an itself, the verse is actually related to the Qur'an which is in the Preserved Tablet, and the purified ones in this case are understood as angels.
So, does it relate to the Qur'an in this world? are the Muslims the only one who can touch the Qur'an? or, is it because the Qur'an is considered sacred? so they cannot touch it. But, why is it sacred? Where is the sacredness of the Qur'an?
Some scholars say that the sacredness does not lie in the text itself, but in the relation between the text with those who believe in it. The non Muslims do not believe in the sacredness of the Qur'an; it is the Muslims who believe in it.
Then, non Muslim can touch the Qur'an because they do not believe in the sacredness of the Qur'an.
Finally, how can the non Muslims learn, study and understand the content of the Qur'an, if, from the very beginning, they are not allowed/prohibited from touching the Qur'an.

1 komentar:

  1. Nice article, pak. However, the problem lies in the fact that Muslims generally and, indeed, LITERALLY TOO OFTEN understand and interpret that verse as it is. So, to me it's depends on how a person understands and interprets this verse based on his/her believe. And I, my self, tend to agree with your last statement :-) (it's me, iday, pak. iseng-iseng type nama antum & muncul blog antum :-D salam buat ibu&anak-anak. sukses selalu. jika ada agenda ke Surabaya, monggo mampir ke gubug saya di Jombang)
